Sunday, April 15, 2012

God is in the details

We arrived here in Uganda at 1am (6pm in Asheville) on Friday (Thursday) morning. We have finally adjusted from jet lag and have already experienced so much. The city where we are staying is called Jinja. It is a beautiful place-very lush and green in vegetation and almost tropical feeling. Lake Victoria (which feeds into and is the source of the Nile River) is breathtaking. It's such a contrast to what you actually see living in and around this city. Going into the villages proved what I expected to see in an African village. But, the feeling is so very different than what I expected. I'm not even sure I can accurately describe it yet. Most of the past 2 days have been full of observation and learning from those who have lived here for many years.

We were able to attend a Muzungu (white) church this morning that meets in the Pastor's back yard. We met more of the missionaries who live and serve here. One of them was my camper when I worked at the Cove Camp over 11 years ago-what a small world! It is so neat to see God bring something like that full circle. It has deepened in me the realization that even though God is bigger than my wildest imagination, He is so intimately involve in every aspect of our life! God is so good and so full of love and creativity. It has been so beautiful to look into these faces knowing they were made in God's image just as much as me. I'm thankful that God is deepening my understanding of Him more each day. He is so vast, so powerful, so loving, so involved.

We will really be kicking off our work tomorrow as we will be making some more visits to the villages to do some 'sole' work. Please continue to pray that Christ's name and power be known, for our safety and health and that God would continue to go before us, leading the way.

Also, the picture above is from one of the villages. The other is me and Kimbe reading the Jesus Storybook Bible. Thanks again for holding us up in means more than you know!

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