Tuesday, April 3, 2012

His plan...

Dear friends and family,

I have been so overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support I

have received! Thank you for partnering with me financially and

prayerfully as I set out on this journey. So many of you have given

so sacrificially and I am so humbled to have witnessed God's provision

in this way. I had meant to get this letter out much sooner, but I am

glad now that I didn't because so much has changed!

Our plan was to work at the Wiphan school in Zambia, Africa, teaching

the widows how to make the shoes and loving on the many orphans there.

However, God has had a different plan all along. My friend (who is

going with us) said, "This is a fascinating position of surrender that

I'm finding myself in. Any sense of control has flown out the window,

but that's not a bad thing." I couldn't have said it any better!

We have watched God move our trip from Zambia to Uganda in less than a

weeks' time. He has provided a change in airline tickets,

availability to stay with missionaries who live in Jinja (a city in

Uganda), and a completely new itinerary that is still being put

together by one of our team members, who is currently there now. It

has been so exciting to explore some of the amazing opportunities that

await us there and I am beyond excited to be able to take part in what

God is doing in the lives of these people. I have been so vividly

reminded of one of my favorite verses. Proverbs 16:9 says, "The mind

of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."

With just 1 short week until I board the plane, please continue to

pray for our team and our families that will stay home. Please pray

for good health and strength during our travel and time spent in

Africa. Also pray for my sweet husband and children who will be here

carrying on with work and school. Pray that the Lord would be the

director of this trip and of our time. I desire so deeply for my

heart and mind to be open to what God has for me during this time and


Again, I thank you for your support and I am so grateful to have such tremendous support and love all around me!! Please follow my journey (as I hope to be able to update while I’m there) at winterjourneyinafrica.blogspot.com.

Grace to you,


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