Thursday, April 19, 2012

one long day...

Yesterday we were able to go into the slum and do a foot washing and jigger removal. It was one of the most extreme days I have ever had. We entered the village in the morning and that alone was completely shocking. This is severe poverty, malnutrition, no nutrition, zero latrines, diseases, shredded clothes (if any), jigger infestation. I don't think any of us knew what was coming. The strange thing about walking through an African community (such as this slum) as opposed to most American communities, is that you can happen upon ANYTHING. Sick babies, dying people, chickens or cattle roaming around, a mother giving birth, etc. it was so much to take in!
And then we began the foot washings. It was chaos. There were probably close to 500 children or more. We soon realized how big of a jigger problem this community had. They want help so badly because they know something is wrong but they don't know what and they don't have the resources to seek medical attention. Before I knew it, babies were being plopped down in front of me or on my lap for me to figure out what was going on. For those of you that know me well, I consult my mom (who is a nurse) on MOST medical questions. And, yet I found myself in this crazy position of putting on surgical gloves and beginning to cut out jiggers! Believe me when I say, His grace IS enough!! The time began to drag by and my eyes overflowed as a sweet little boy was screaming in agony as 25 jiggers were cut from his feet. I couldn't even wipe away my tears for fear I might give myself ringworm. About 10-12 of us worked almost 4 hours and only did about 50 children. It was overwhelming and exhausting and emotionally draining. And yet, I didn't feel like we even made a dent. But that is when God reminded me that He is in control. That, although the pain and suffering of this world deeply saddens Him, he is not overwhelmed or exhausted or emotionally drained. He continues to reign sovereign over all that happens across this world. And it's ok to not understand it because I'm not God, but I can rest in Him that does and who has promised me that He will come back and make it all right again one day.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

God is in the details

We arrived here in Uganda at 1am (6pm in Asheville) on Friday (Thursday) morning. We have finally adjusted from jet lag and have already experienced so much. The city where we are staying is called Jinja. It is a beautiful place-very lush and green in vegetation and almost tropical feeling. Lake Victoria (which feeds into and is the source of the Nile River) is breathtaking. It's such a contrast to what you actually see living in and around this city. Going into the villages proved what I expected to see in an African village. But, the feeling is so very different than what I expected. I'm not even sure I can accurately describe it yet. Most of the past 2 days have been full of observation and learning from those who have lived here for many years.

We were able to attend a Muzungu (white) church this morning that meets in the Pastor's back yard. We met more of the missionaries who live and serve here. One of them was my camper when I worked at the Cove Camp over 11 years ago-what a small world! It is so neat to see God bring something like that full circle. It has deepened in me the realization that even though God is bigger than my wildest imagination, He is so intimately involve in every aspect of our life! God is so good and so full of love and creativity. It has been so beautiful to look into these faces knowing they were made in God's image just as much as me. I'm thankful that God is deepening my understanding of Him more each day. He is so vast, so powerful, so loving, so involved.

We will really be kicking off our work tomorrow as we will be making some more visits to the villages to do some 'sole' work. Please continue to pray that Christ's name and power be known, for our safety and health and that God would continue to go before us, leading the way.

Also, the picture above is from one of the villages. The other is me and Kimbe reading the Jesus Storybook Bible. Thanks again for holding us up in means more than you know!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I don't have to, I get to!

We are just a day away from boarding our flight in Atlanta...Africa bound! The planning of our trip has had many ups and downs and failed plans, but the sure constant through it all is God. There is such freedom in knowing that NOTHING catches Him off guard nor does a change in plans cause Him to wonder. He reigns sovereign over ALL THINGS!

Colossians 1:17...And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

I just wanted to share briefly how I have felt about this trip all along. The title post of this blog pretty much sums it up. Because of the tremendous grace Christ has extended to me on the cross, I am free to live in Him and share that grace and love with others. Deep within my soul, I believe that God has written a story from beginning to end and has given us some of that story to read in His Word...the Bible. This Word is about God making everything right again, through Jesus, for His glory. Period. Because God sent His Son into this world to live the perfect life (in my place, that I cannot live) and die on the cross the penalty FOR MY SIN (in my place) and pay the debt of sin that I could NEVER pay, I can live each day in freedom! I don't have to live in debt to the One who paid it all because He already paid it! He knows who I am and all of my failures because He created me, but also created a way for me to have a relationship with Him!

That is why I go on this trip.

That is what I try to show and teach my kids every day (and oh, how I fail miserably, but His grace is enough!)

I am free to fail because Christ has won!

There is no obligation to perform or pretend because He loves me just where I am.

I can lay my head down every night and rest in the grace that He paid it all. I don't have to try to live some perfect life, because He ALREADY did.

But OH, how this makes me run to Him and want, MORE THAN ANYTHING to be used by Him and to be a part of the story He is writing.

How I LONG to be a faithful servant to the One who gave me LIFE and EVERY good and perfect gift (James 1:17)

Please read these words out of Philippians 2 and let them soak into your being today. Rest in the grace of the cross! IT IS FINISHED!!!

Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2: 5-11)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

His plan...

Dear friends and family,

I have been so overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support I

have received! Thank you for partnering with me financially and

prayerfully as I set out on this journey. So many of you have given

so sacrificially and I am so humbled to have witnessed God's provision

in this way. I had meant to get this letter out much sooner, but I am

glad now that I didn't because so much has changed!

Our plan was to work at the Wiphan school in Zambia, Africa, teaching

the widows how to make the shoes and loving on the many orphans there.

However, God has had a different plan all along. My friend (who is

going with us) said, "This is a fascinating position of surrender that

I'm finding myself in. Any sense of control has flown out the window,

but that's not a bad thing." I couldn't have said it any better!

We have watched God move our trip from Zambia to Uganda in less than a

weeks' time. He has provided a change in airline tickets,

availability to stay with missionaries who live in Jinja (a city in

Uganda), and a completely new itinerary that is still being put

together by one of our team members, who is currently there now. It

has been so exciting to explore some of the amazing opportunities that

await us there and I am beyond excited to be able to take part in what

God is doing in the lives of these people. I have been so vividly

reminded of one of my favorite verses. Proverbs 16:9 says, "The mind

of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."

With just 1 short week until I board the plane, please continue to

pray for our team and our families that will stay home. Please pray

for good health and strength during our travel and time spent in

Africa. Also pray for my sweet husband and children who will be here

carrying on with work and school. Pray that the Lord would be the

director of this trip and of our time. I desire so deeply for my

heart and mind to be open to what God has for me during this time and


Again, I thank you for your support and I am so grateful to have such tremendous support and love all around me!! Please follow my journey (as I hope to be able to update while I’m there) at

Grace to you,


Our plan...

February 6, 2012

Dear Family and friends,

I want to take this opportunity to share some exciting news! This April, I will be heading to Zambia, Africa with Sole Hope ( to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and put shoes on the soles of children. Sole Hope is an organization that was started here in Asheville, NC and is helping the widows and orphans of Zambia and Uganda, Africa by providing jobs to the widows and shoes to the orphans. In these areas of Africa, the children are prone to jiggers, which are a type of parasite that burrow into the dirty foot of a child and cause major infections. Through education of our book, ‘Happy Soles’ and a pair of shoes, we can solve this problem for the children.

During our time there, we will be working alongside the Wiphan School (you can check their website at They currently teach about 400 orphans. They also teach different skills, like the sewing of Sole Hope shoes, jewelry making and computer data entry to about 100 widows. One of the ways we will be bringing the hope of the Gospel to these widows and children is through a foot-washing ceremony where we hope to convey the love that Jesus has for them.

I am asking you to partner with me in prayer as I prepare to go and love on these women and children, knowing that they will bless me far greater than I could ever bless them. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will prepare my heart and mind for what He wants me to do through Him. And, pray for my family (Teddy, Davis, Annabelle and Jack) as they stay home and continue on in school and work.

I also want to ask you to partner with me financially. My trip will cost $3500. I will be leaving April 11th and returning April 26th. God has completely opened the doors for me to go on this trip and I am so confident that He will also provide the finances to go as well. If you can contribute in any way, please know that your contribution can be completely tax-deductible. You can make out a check to SOLE HOPE (note-please DO NOT put my name on the check anywhere, but attach a sticky note to it with my name on it…Thanks!) Through your sacrificial giving, you will not only be providing shoes to those in need, but an opportunity for the love of Christ to be proclaimed! Jesus tells us in Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this! I look forward to updating you as plans progress.

Thanks, in advance, for your support!

Grace to you,


“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” James 1:27